Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blogpost 4: Levels of Anxiety

In every person their is different level of anxiety. Not all of us have the same tension, phobia or fear off. We all experience anxiety in everyday life, and it always manifests differently for each person. It is important to recognize or to identify the fear, phobias or stresses in your life that cause different levels of anxiety, so that you can incorporate proper coping mechanisms or get the appropriate medical treatment.

I have read an article entitled Levels of Anxiety written by Nanda from the site  Nanda Nursing Invention. The article that I have read is all about the different levels of anxiety and how this levels classify people. It talks about also how levels differentiate with others. 

"Mild Anxiety is a feeling that something is different and requires special attention. Increased sensory stimulation and helps the individual focus of attention for learning and protect themselves. At this level of perception of land to widen and individuals will be cautious and vigilant."

Based on my experience most of people I know, have this level of anxiety. It shows increasing blood pressure the result of that to a person is it may have wrinkled face and that is true because I experience that every time I'm feel anxious my friends to that I will get an ugly face and have wrinkled face.

I found another level of anxiety in this article that I have saw and read and that is entitled Different levels of Anxiety written by Jojo Genden from the site Lives trong. It talks also the differents levels of anxiety and how it affects to people. And its all about explanation what are leveks of anxiety. 

"Severe Anxiety if you can't stop getting a feeling that something bad is about to happen you may be experiencing severe anxiety. At this level, it seems impossible to solve problems and your focus is completely scattered. You may feel at a loss about what to do without outside direction because your awareness of your surroundings is significantly narrowed." 

For me one of the easy way to take away this level of anxiety is to learn how to relax or to keep calm because it is stopping you to think negative or stop you to be panic. People encounter this level when there is a big or serious problem and that is my opinion.

Not all of us have a anxiety and not all of us have the same level of anxiety and I learned that a person that have anxiety can experience different level of anxiety based on what situation they have.

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